5 Tips for taking better family photographs
Heute mal was anderes: Ein Blogpost auf Englisch. Sarah Winborn ist Bloggerin und Fotografin, lebt in Berlin und hat in ihrer Muttersprache für euch die wichtigsten Tipps beim Fotografieren von Kindern zusammengestellt.
The way we capture and share photographs has changed over the years, but the value of having fun family photos to look back on hasn’t. With the age of digital cameras, it has become easier to ensure that you come home from a holiday or a day out with photos that are clear and not missing any heads, but having a good camera doesn’t guarantee photos that are worth holding on to. Here are five useful tips for how to improve your own family photographs whether you are using a simple compact camera or a DSLR…
1. Get down to your child’s level
Instead of standing at full height and taking the photograph looking down at your child, try kneeling down to their level and taking the shot. This simple change in angle will make a world of difference to the photos you take of your child(ren) and will help you to really step in to his or her world.
2. Be aware of the light around you
On a family photosession recently, a father asked ‘’what makes the difference between an amateur and professional photographer?’’ My answer was “having an understanding of light & what it does for a picture.“ Learning what type of light works for a photo and faces is essential to taking better portraits.
There are simple ways you can get to know how to work with light: Try standing next to a window inside your home and take pictures of your face whilst changing the angle slightly each time. You will soon see that some of the pictures look far better than others. This is because light hits the face in different ways depending on the angle. Sometimes it’s flattering and other times it’s far from it. Once you’ve worked out which angles work best, you can use this knowledge for photographing other family members.
3. Document real family life
Of course it’s lovely to have pictures of your children smiling at the camera, but don’t be afraid to capture some of the real everyday moments in your household. It’s these moments that I most like to photograph and they are an essential part of documentary photo sessions. I truly believe that these will be the memories you will want to look back on, many years from now.
Simple things like cooking together, reading a story at bedtime, breakfast time, bathtime etc. These are the daily moments in family life that deserve to be preserved.
4. Get to know your camera
If your camera has some manual modes, play with them and get to know the basics of how they work. Depth of field is a fabulous tool to play with and learning about shutter speed can help for taking photos in lower light. If you want to photograph your children jumping, sliding or doing sports, check if your camera has a ‚multishot‘ setting which allows you to take a number of photographs in a row without removing your finger from the trigger button. This ups the chances of you getting a good shot despite the movement.
5. Keep your camera nearby
Having your camera on-hand to capture that magical moment is key to great family photos. Some of my favourite photographs of my own children come from spotting a great opportunity and managing to grab the camera in time to capture it.
I hope these five tips for taking better family photographs help add a little extra flare to your family photo albums. If you are looking for something extra special, I am available to hire for maternity, newborn, kids & family portrait & documentary sessions. I am based in Berlin but work worldwide. You can visit my website & see my portfolio and keep up to date with my work on my Facebook page.
Dear Sarah, thank you for your useful tips!
Wer sich eine Profi-Session mit Sarah wünscht, der schaut genauer hier: http://www.sarahwinbornphotography.com/
- 10. Aug 2014
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- Blog, child, children, Eltern, Foto, Interview, Kinder, parents, Photography, Sarah Winborn